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It is Done. It Begins.

Since graduating this December, I have had great good fortune.

I am a Texas Licensed Paramedic.

San Marcos Hays County EMS has decided to let me help out. Yay!

In the meantime, before my new job starts Monday after next, I have painted in joy and with great enthusiasm.

Below are new original oil paintings ‘Rising Together,’ 12″x16″,  and ‘Anticipation’ 12″x36″.

Love to you all,

‘Rising Together’ Original Oil Painting 12″x16″


‘Anticipation’ Original Oil Painting 12″x36″
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Showing the Ropes- Gratitude for teachers

Thanks to everyone who has shown me the ropes through the years. There have been so many of you, and so many ropes, too!

I have completed my Associate of Applied Science in Paramedicine. It has been a two year journey of education and experience with some of the most wonderful people.  My teachers, clinical preceptors, and laboratory organizers have kicked my butt into shape. The paramedics on ambulances who had my back as they let me treat their patients had such grace and kindness as I tried to understand better how to do my job and take care of people.

I have been enjoying working for Emergency Medical Protection Services- a first responder organization- and First Medical Response- a private EMS provider. Now I hope for a place with 911. It would be a privilege. I hope I have listened and learned enough for them to let me start to learn some more… a lifetime’s journey awaits.


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Magic Man

Every Friday brings an opportunity for Arnica Grace to paint a person from life. Austin Visual Arts Association studios are a great place to make works on the spot. Painting together with other life painting enthusiasts makes for a friendly and fun work environment. Notable Austin heavy hitters Phillip Wade, Eve Larson, and Johnnie Sielbeck also paint in Arnica’s Friday crew.

The model brings their own clothing and in this case, props. Highly unusual to have a man in a kilt holding a crystal ball show up to be painted. What a nice change of pace!

Call the artist to arrange for purchase of this 11 x 14 image.

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Before the Dance

oil on canvas 18″ x 24″

A larger work, suitable as a centerpiece in a big area, this painting by Arnica Grace is filled with golden light.

Using a golden toned canvas, Arnica has evoked a sense of peace and a connection to the past. The Dutch master Rembrandt used this type of background to help make paintings glow. When drawing from history, it is always best to stand on the shoulders of giants. Many of Rembrandt’s pupils also used this golden ocher yellow as a foundation for a glowing work of art.

This large work ships rolled up in a shipping tube, to be unrolled and framed at the purchaser’s convenience.

$250 plus $20 shipping/handling and 8.25% sales tax=

$290.63 total charges
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Daydream Believer $140

This wispy elfin daydreamer will capture your heart and dreams too! Traditional oil painting layering and glazing produce rich tones and highlights. Produced at Austin’s Visual Arts Association studio, this work is sure to brighten up any space.

$140 plus $20 shipping/handling and  8.25% sales tax= $171.55 total charges

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Street Smart

Thought-provoking seated pose with brash coloration. Your imagination can only begin to sense what is in the mind of this young person. Painted in oils at Austin Visual Arts Association studios, this painting will be a real centerpiece for conversation.

$140 plus $20 shipping/handling and  8.25% sales tax= $171.55 total charges