Tomorrow morning I’ll be painting for the folks of the Austin Palette Club. They meet on Tuesdays from 10 AM -Noon at the Lamar Senior Activity Center. The center is at 2874 Shoal Crest Avenue, Austin, TX 78705, just up the hill one block east of Lamar. Check out the plug for my demo below from the president of the APC, it’s pretty glowing.
I’m absolutely tickled pink! Come meet some nice people who love art and watch me do my song and dance.
See you there with my smock on,

AUSTIN PALETTE CLUB MEETING NOTICE : Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Dear APC Members; I know you all love the painting demos best of all and this week, we are going to be treated to an oil painting demo by one of our newest members, ARNICA GRACE !
Arnica is a professional artist and currently she’s an instructor at Cordovan Arts in Round Rock and Austin. Arnica is an Honors Graduate College of Fine Arts from UT Austin in 2001, and she has an extensive list of exhibits and shows to her credit. Check out the list on her “About” page on her website for more information. Arnica is full of joyful energy and enthusiasm for her art and it’s infectious. In her own words:
“In 2020 I have the honor of leading other painters to find joy in their various media. I teach in Round Rock and Austin, TX at Cordovan Arts. Also, the workshops I get to host at The Round Rock Downtowner Gallery have been a lot of fun! I hope to continue to meet many more new and wonderful artists through my teaching programs.Working in many media keeps me on my toes. I love making images by hand. It’s a craft that keeps me learning. Weekly painting sessions with other artists are always fun, and I have had the privilege of painting the model from life with others for many many years. People are fascinating, landscapes are lovely. Oil paints are great, acrylics are quick. Watercolor was my focus in college, having gotten to study with Bill Wyman, noteworthy Texas Artist and professor at UT (not the Rolling Stones bass player.)”Here’s a link to her website : www.arnicagrace.com I know you will enjoy looking at the wonderful artwork on Arnica’s website. She “pushes” color expertly and her brush strokes are painted in a controlled loose style that infuses energy and action in her paintings. Come learn how she makes magic on canvas this week! ART OPPORTUNITIES 1. From Renie Vasquez; Jerry’s Art-A-Rama 8th Annual Self Portrait Contest – $5,000 in Prizes – Jan 13th – April 12, 2020Here’s a link: http://enews.jerrysartarama.com/q/dxMp9xw4xvXg4MwzGH1e8N91K4TjTqaE5v6kXihEJ3Z3BzCQbqxsK_hrp 2. From Susan Belgard: Creative Capital Awards, Deadline 4PM 2-29-2020 Artists including writers working in all disciplines can apply for the Creative Capital Awards, which provides innovative project ideas with funding and advisory services valued at over $100,000 per award. The application is now open through February 29. Learn more and apply. bit.ly/About-the-Award” submission must be sent by 4pm ET on February 29, 2020. NOTICES 1. Dues for 2020 are due now. Please fill out your LSAC forms and pay your annual dues to Adele Yin at the meeting. 2. Remember to sign in at each meeting. Sign in sheets are always on the front table as you enter the room. 3. Sign up sheets for Snacks at the demo meetings are on the same table, and thank you to all members who contribute/help Jeanice Ullmann with refreshements—your help is very much appreciated by all of us. 4. Please remember to put your cell phones on Airplane Mode or turn them off or set to vibrate during demos – we all want to hear every word our demo artists speak and we don’t want them to be interrupted with ring tones and conversation. If you must answer your phone, please step outside of the meeting room. 5. Guests are always welcome at our meetings. Bring a friend to share in the fun. They can sign in at the front table and I’ll include them on the email blast for the next meeting. UPDATED MEETING SCHEDULE Feb. 11 – Arnica Grace – Demo oil painting Feb. 18 – Jeanice Ullman-Demo/workshop Alcohol Drip/Texture Paint Pour Feb. 25 – Paint In Day at LSAC Mar. 3 – Business Meeting/Bring your art to share with Members Mar. 10 – Lisa Garner-Demo Polymer Clay Figure Sculpt/Millifiori Cane work Mar. 17 – Jenny Granberry/Golden Paint Co.- Demo/workshop with Golden Paints Mar. 24 – Laura Mussell -Demo/workshop Moravian Stars/Origami paper Mar. 31 – Paint In day on your own at LSAC April 7 – Buisness Meeting/Bring your art to share with Members April 14 – TBA April 21 – TBA April 28 – Paint In day on your own at LSAC May 5 – Business Meeting/Bring your art to share with Members May 12 – TBA May 19 – TBA May 26 – Spring Luncheon – Location TBA SPRING/SUMMER BREAKJune/July/August – No Meetings Best regards, Lyrae Perry, President Austin Palette Club
—www.lyraeperry.weebly.com – Nature & Wildlife Art by Lyrae